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You will be aware that much emphasis is placed on good attendance for pupils.  This is based on a well-researched link between good attendance, pupil achievement and wellbeing. Good attendance means that the children:

  • Are in school to enjoy the wonderful learning
  • Build strong friendships and social skills
  • Develop lifelong skills
  • Do not miss out on opportunities that other children have
  • Increase their attainment and progress levels
  • Are more likely to reach their potential
  • Are more prepared for their next stage of learning 

From November 2021 we will be implementing rigorous and robust systems in order to ensure attendance at the school is above the Government's national expectation of 96%.

Early morning telephone calls are being made to families whose attendance causes concern, and calls are also made to all families where the reason for absences has not been reported to us. Weekly checks on individual percentages are being carried out, and families whose attendance is causing concern are requested to attend meetings with members of the School Leadership Team. We understand that illness, medical needs and isolation due to covid may cause absence and this is taken into account.

Thank you to all parents and carers who have really worked with the school to make sure that their children are in school every day. This is something we are really passionate about and we look forward to seeing this high percentage of attendance continue over the coming year.

We work closely with the Education Welfare Officer to look at pupil attendance to help us work with families where attendance is not at the nationally expected level of 96%.  For children who fall below 96% we send home awareness letters for parents so that they can work with the school and improve their child’s time in school.

Please do speak to the school office on 01752 395969 if you would like any support with absence.