Find us on FACEBOOK...just search for 'St Matthew's PTFA Plymouth' where you will find up to date information about future events, meetings and significant dates.

Spring Disco

We had so much fun at the Spring Disco - thank you so much to everyone who helped to make this event a huge success. We raised a lot of money for the PTFA and, most importantly, the children had an amazing time boogeying the night away...Thank you to Kaptain Krazy for supplying the entertainment.

Wine and Quiz Night

A massive thank you to everyone who attended our 'Wine and Quiz' evening - it was great to see so many people. We are proud to announce that we raised a whooping £138! Big congratulations go to the winning team - 'Better Late Than Never'

Latest News!

If you are interested in supporting the PTFA please get in touch!

You can also find us on Facebook - just search 'St Matthew's PTFA Plymouth'

Working in partnership with parents is a priority for us. Children love to see their parents involved in school life so please come and get involved in whatever way you can.

PTFA's are invaluable as their role is to support the school to provide experiences and opportunities for all children. Traditionally PTA's run fayres, discos, beetle drives, and a range of other fundraising activities which may also include Barn dances, Salsa evenings and quiz nights for adults.